Where Do I Find My VIN?

It sometimes amazes me how many times we can be asked for our vehicle's VIN (Vehicle
Identification Number). When we get our car services, looking for insurance, determining information to pay our taxes.  And from the questions I get from people I know, a lot of you don't know where to find your car's VIN. 

There are two places you can easily find your VIN on your actual vehicle. It is located on a small placard on your dash, close to your windshield on the driver's side. It can also be found on the inside door frame on the driver's side. This location is visible only when the car door is open, while the VIN placard on the dash is usually always visible.

Your VIN is may be found on the front of your engine block, under the hood too, and sometimes on the front of the frame (but this is usually on older cars). You can also find your VIN on your title (pink slip) or purchase documents, and on your vehicle insurance card.

In case you were wondering what the 17 digit VIN actually stands for, see this image below:

FROM: https://www.finishlineautosparta.com/single-post/2018/04/19/What-is-a-VIN-Number

And yes, saying VIN number is redundant, but it's such a common practice, don't let it throw you.

